Tag Archives: virt-builder

nbdkit + xz + curl

I’ve submitted a talk about nbdkit, our flexible, pluggable NBD server, to FOSDEM next year about how you can use nbdkit as a replacement for loopback mounts (or “loop mounts” as I was told off for not calling them last week). In preparation for that talk I ran through it in private to a small Red Hat audience on Monday. If I can I will release that video some time, but I may have to edit out Red Hat “super-secret” stuff first (or most likely not because there aren’t any secrets in it, but I’m still waiting for the internal video to be released).

Anyway this attracted a lot of interest and one question that was asked was why the xz plugin which lets you transparently open and uncompress XZ files on the fly was a plugin at all. Surely it would make more sense for it to be a filter? So it could be used not just to uncompress local files, but also xz-compressed cloud images over HTTPS.

The answer is yes it would! So I fixed it. XZ is now a filter (the plugin is left around but we’ll deprecate it eventually).

You can use it on top of the file plugin, curl plugin or other plugins:

$ nbdkit --filter=xz file file.xz
$ nbdkit --filter=xz curl https://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/releases/29/Cloud/x86_64/images/Fedora-Cloud-Base-29-1.2.x86_64.raw.xz

This is fun and you can use this to boot the cloud image entirely remotely:

$ qemu-system-x86_64 -machine accel=kvm:tcg \
    -cpu host -m 2048 \
    -drive file=nbd:localhost:10809,if=virtio

However it’s incredibly slow. One problem is that the Fedora mirror sites aren’t very happy about you issuing lots of small HTTP Range requests and I observed that they throttle the connection quite aggressively. The second problem is that the xz block size for these cloud images is too large.

The XZ format (or rather, LZMA format) is divided into streams and blocks. We don’t normally use streams, and many XZ files use a single block. But it’s possible to tell the xz program to use a smaller than default block size, and in that case the output is divided into indexed blocks. Note the block size applies to the uncompressed input, the compressed blocks will have varying sizes, but the index that is created lets us find the block boundaries easily. When a byte is requested we can use a binary search to take us quickly to the compressed block, uncompress it (and cache it), and answer the request. We will only uncompress at most one block instead of the whole file.

For disk images I normally advocate a 16M block size. The current cloud images use (I think) a 192M block size, so both a huge amount of data has to be read over HTTPS to read one uncompressed byte, plus we have to cache very large blocks in RAM.

As an experiment I recompressed the cloud image using xz --block-size=$((16 * 1024 * 1024)) and hosted it locally, and booting is much quicker (albeit still slow because the cloud image contains cloud-init).

But even better we already ship a variety of disk images compressed with a 16M block size for virt-builder here, and these can be booted directly too:

$ nbdkit -U - --filter=xz curl \
        http://builder.libguestfs.org/fedora-29.xz \
        --run \
    'qemu-system-x86_64 -machine accel=kvm:tcg -cpu host -m 2048 -drive file=$nbd,if=virtio'

… although you can’t log in because they all have locked root accounts (virt-builder normally customizes them after download).


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Creating Windows templates for virt-builder

virt-builder is a tool for rapidly creating customized Linux images. Recently I’ve added support for Windows although for rather obvious licensing reasons we cannot distribute the Windows templates which would be needed to provide Windows support for everyone. However you can build your own Windows templates as described here and then:

$ virt-builder -l | grep windows
windows-10.0-server      x86_64     Windows Server 2016 (x86_64)
windows-6.2-server       x86_64     Windows Server 2012 (x86_64)
windows-6.3-server       x86_64     Windows Server 2012 R2 (x86_64)
$ virt-builder windows-6.3-server
[   0.6] Downloading: http://xx/builder/windows-6.3-server.xz
[   5.1] Planning how to build this image
[   5.1] Uncompressing
[  60.1] Opening the new disk
[  77.6] Setting a random seed
virt-builder: warning: random seed could not be set for this type of guest
virt-builder: warning: passwords could not be set for this type of guest
[  77.6] Finishing off
                   Output file: windows-6.3-server.img
                   Output size: 10.0G
                 Output format: raw
            Total usable space: 9.7G
                    Free space: 3.5G (36%)

To build a Windows template repository you will need the latest libguestfs sources checked out from https://github.com/libguestfs/libguestfs and you will also need a suitable Windows Volume License, KMS or MSDN developer subscription. Also the final Windows templates are at least ten times larger than Linux templates, so virt-builder operations take correspondingly longer and use lots more disk space.

First download install ISOs for the Windows guests you want to use.

After cloning the latest libguestfs sources, go into the builder/templates subdirectory. Edit the top of the make-template.ml script to set the path which contains the Windows ISOs. You will also possibly need to edit the names of the ISOs later in the script.

Build a template, eg:

$ ../../run ./make-template.ml windows 2k12 x86_64

You’ll need to read the script to understand what the arguments do. The script will ask you for the product key, where you should enter the volume license key or your MSDN key.

Each time you run the script successfully you’ll end up with two files called something like:


The version numbers are Windows internal version numbers.

After you’ve created templates for all the Windows guest types you need, copy them to any (private) web server, and concatenate all the index fragments into the final index file:

$ cat *.index-fragment > index

Finally create a virt-builder repo file pointing to this index file:

# cat /etc/virt-builder/repos.d/windows.conf

You can now create Windows guests in virt-builder. However note they are not sysprepped. We can’t do this because it requires some Windows tooling. So while these guests are good for small tests and similar, they’re not suitable for creating actual Windows long-lived VMs. To do that you will need to add a sysprep.exe step somewhere in the template creation process.

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Fedora 27 virt-builder images

Fedora 27 has just been released, and I’ve just uploaded virt-builder images so you can try it right away:

$ virt-builder -l | grep fedora-27
fedora-27                aarch64    Fedora® 27 Server (aarch64)
fedora-27                armv7l     Fedora® 27 Server (armv7l)
fedora-27                i686       Fedora® 27 Server (i686)
fedora-27                ppc64      Fedora® 27 Server (ppc64)
fedora-27                ppc64le    Fedora® 27 Server (ppc64le)
fedora-27                x86_64     Fedora® 27 Server
$ virt-builder fedora-27 \
      --root-password password:123456 \
      --install emacs \
      --selinux-relabel \
      --size 30G
$ qemu-system-x86_64 \
      -machine accel=kvm:tcg \
      -cpu host -m 2048 \
      -drive file=fedora-27.img,format=raw,if=virtio &

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Fedora 26 is out, virt-builder images available

Fedora 26 is released today. virt-builder images are already available for almost all architectures:

$ virt-builder -l | grep fedora-26
fedora-26                aarch64    Fedora® 26 Server (aarch64)
fedora-26                armv7l     Fedora® 26 Server (armv7l)
fedora-26                i686       Fedora® 26 Server (i686)
fedora-26                ppc64      Fedora® 26 Server (ppc64)
fedora-26                ppc64le    Fedora® 26 Server (ppc64le)
fedora-26                x86_64     Fedora® 26 Server

For example:

$ virt-builder fedora-26
$ qemu-system-x86_64 -machine accel=kvm:tcg -cpu host -m 2048 \
    -drive file=fedora-26.img,format=raw,if=virtio

Why not s390x? That’s because qemu doesn’t yet emulate enough of the s390x instruction set / architecture so that we can run Fedora under TCG emulation.

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virt-builder Debian 9 image available

Debian 9 (“Stretch”) was released last week and now it’s available in virt-builder, the fast way to build virtual machine disk images:

$ virt-builder -l | grep debian
debian-6                 x86_64     Debian 6 (Squeeze)
debian-7                 sparc64    Debian 7 (Wheezy) (sparc64)
debian-7                 x86_64     Debian 7 (Wheezy)
debian-8                 x86_64     Debian 8 (Jessie)
debian-9                 x86_64     Debian 9 (stretch)

$ virt-builder debian-9 \
    --root-password password:123456
[   0.5] Downloading: http://libguestfs.org/download/builder/debian-9.xz
[   1.2] Planning how to build this image
[   1.2] Uncompressing
[   5.5] Opening the new disk
[  15.4] Setting a random seed
virt-builder: warning: random seed could not be set for this type of guest
[  15.4] Setting passwords
[  16.7] Finishing off
                   Output file: debian-9.img
                   Output size: 6.0G
                 Output format: raw
            Total usable space: 3.9G
                    Free space: 3.1G (78%)

$ qemu-system-x86_64 \
    -machine accel=kvm:tcg -cpu host -m 2048 \
    -drive file=debian-9.img,format=raw,if=virtio \
    -serial stdio


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CentOS 7.3 available in virt-builder

CentOS 7.3 was announced today, and the x86_64 version is available in virt-builder already:

$ virt-builder centos-7.3

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Fedora 25 is out, virt-builder images available

$ virt-builder -l | grep fedora-25
fedora-25                x86_64     Fedora® 25 Server
fedora-25                i686       Fedora® 25 Server (i686)
fedora-25                aarch64    Fedora® 25 Server (aarch64)
fedora-25                armv7l     Fedora® 25 Server (armv7l)
fedora-25                ppc64      Fedora® 25 Server (ppc64)
fedora-25                ppc64le    Fedora® 25 Server (ppc64le)
$ virt-builder fedora-25
$ qemu-system-x86_64 -machine accel=kvm:tcg \
      -cpu host -m 2048 \
      -drive file=fedora-25.img,format=raw,if=virtio

Or to try out Fedora on a different architecture:

$ virt-builder fedora-25 --arch ppc64le -o fedora-25-ppc64le.img
$ qemu-system-ppc64 -cpu POWER8 -m 2048 \
      -drive file=fedora-25-ppc64le.img,format=raw,if=virtio


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virt-builder RISC-V edition

$ file builder/virt-builder
builder/virt-builder: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, UCB RISC-V, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/ld.so.1, for 
GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=184c9522f22abc5c325ac5a1ee2d272b225d5503, not stripped

Probably the least useful copy of virt-builder since there’s no qemu and no network. However it does demonstrate that we can now build large mixed C / OCaml binaries on RISC-V successfully.

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Virt-builder Fedora 23 image

Fedora 23 was released today. Get it through virt-builder in just two simple commands:

$ virt-builder fedora-23 \
    --root-password password:123456 \
    --size 20G
$ qemu-system-x86_64 -drive file=fedora-23,if=virtio \
    -m 2048



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OpenSUSE images are now supplied in the default virt-builder install

Since virt-builder 1.31.10, Cédric Bosdonnat has added a repository of OpenSUSE images.

Here’s how to install OpenSUSE Leap in about 4 minutes:

$ virt-builder -l
opensuse-13.1            x86_64     openSUSE 13.1
opensuse-13.2            x86_64     openSUSE 13.2
opensuse-42.1            x86_64     openSUSE Leap 42.1
opensuse-tumbleweed      x86_64     openSUSE Tumbleweed

$ virt-builder opensuse-42.1
[   1.2] Downloading: http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/Virtualization:/virt-builder-images/images/openSUSE-Leap-42.1.x86_64-0.0.1-Build1.6.qcow2.xz
######################################################################## 100.0%
[ 133.1] Planning how to build this image
[ 133.1] Uncompressing
[ 142.5] Converting qcow2 to raw
[ 146.4] Opening the new disk
[ 177.3] Setting a random seed
[ 177.3] Setting passwords
virt-builder: Setting random password of root to ***
[ 178.1] Finishing off
                   Output file: opensuse-42.1.img
                   Output size: 6.0G
                 Output format: raw
            Total usable space: 5.8G
                    Free space: 5.0G (85%)

$ virt-install --import --name opensuse \
    --ram 4096 \
    --disk opensuse-42.1.img,format=raw \
    --os-variant opensuse13.1


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