Tag Archives: virt-tools

Creating Windows templates for virt-builder

virt-builder is a tool for rapidly creating customized Linux images. Recently I’ve added support for Windows although for rather obvious licensing reasons we cannot distribute the Windows templates which would be needed to provide Windows support for everyone. However you can build your own Windows templates as described here and then:

$ virt-builder -l | grep windows
windows-10.0-server      x86_64     Windows Server 2016 (x86_64)
windows-6.2-server       x86_64     Windows Server 2012 (x86_64)
windows-6.3-server       x86_64     Windows Server 2012 R2 (x86_64)
$ virt-builder windows-6.3-server
[   0.6] Downloading: http://xx/builder/windows-6.3-server.xz
[   5.1] Planning how to build this image
[   5.1] Uncompressing
[  60.1] Opening the new disk
[  77.6] Setting a random seed
virt-builder: warning: random seed could not be set for this type of guest
virt-builder: warning: passwords could not be set for this type of guest
[  77.6] Finishing off
                   Output file: windows-6.3-server.img
                   Output size: 10.0G
                 Output format: raw
            Total usable space: 9.7G
                    Free space: 3.5G (36%)

To build a Windows template repository you will need the latest libguestfs sources checked out from https://github.com/libguestfs/libguestfs and you will also need a suitable Windows Volume License, KMS or MSDN developer subscription. Also the final Windows templates are at least ten times larger than Linux templates, so virt-builder operations take correspondingly longer and use lots more disk space.

First download install ISOs for the Windows guests you want to use.

After cloning the latest libguestfs sources, go into the builder/templates subdirectory. Edit the top of the make-template.ml script to set the path which contains the Windows ISOs. You will also possibly need to edit the names of the ISOs later in the script.

Build a template, eg:

$ ../../run ./make-template.ml windows 2k12 x86_64

You’ll need to read the script to understand what the arguments do. The script will ask you for the product key, where you should enter the volume license key or your MSDN key.

Each time you run the script successfully you’ll end up with two files called something like:


The version numbers are Windows internal version numbers.

After you’ve created templates for all the Windows guest types you need, copy them to any (private) web server, and concatenate all the index fragments into the final index file:

$ cat *.index-fragment > index

Finally create a virt-builder repo file pointing to this index file:

# cat /etc/virt-builder/repos.d/windows.conf

You can now create Windows guests in virt-builder. However note they are not sysprepped. We can’t do this because it requires some Windows tooling. So while these guests are good for small tests and similar, they’re not suitable for creating actual Windows long-lived VMs. To do that you will need to add a sysprep.exe step somewhere in the template creation process.

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Dockerfile for running libguestfs, virt-tools and virt-v2v

FROM fedora
RUN dnf install -y libguestfs libguestfs-tools-c virt-v2v \
                   libvirt-daemon libvirt-daemon-config-network

# https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1045069
RUN useradd -ms /bin/bash v2v
USER v2v
WORKDIR /home/v2v

# This is required for virt-v2v because neither systemd nor
# root libvirtd runs, and therefore there is no virbr0, and
# therefore virt-v2v cannot set up the network through libvirt.


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libguestfs for RHEL 7.5 preview

As usual I’ve placed the proposed RHEL 7.5 libguestfs packages in a public repository so you can try them out.

Thanks to Pino Toscano for doing the packaging work.

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virt-builder Debian 9 image available

Debian 9 (“Stretch”) was released last week and now it’s available in virt-builder, the fast way to build virtual machine disk images:

$ virt-builder -l | grep debian
debian-6                 x86_64     Debian 6 (Squeeze)
debian-7                 sparc64    Debian 7 (Wheezy) (sparc64)
debian-7                 x86_64     Debian 7 (Wheezy)
debian-8                 x86_64     Debian 8 (Jessie)
debian-9                 x86_64     Debian 9 (stretch)

$ virt-builder debian-9 \
    --root-password password:123456
[   0.5] Downloading: http://libguestfs.org/download/builder/debian-9.xz
[   1.2] Planning how to build this image
[   1.2] Uncompressing
[   5.5] Opening the new disk
[  15.4] Setting a random seed
virt-builder: warning: random seed could not be set for this type of guest
[  15.4] Setting passwords
[  16.7] Finishing off
                   Output file: debian-9.img
                   Output size: 6.0G
                 Output format: raw
            Total usable space: 3.9G
                    Free space: 3.1G (78%)

$ qemu-system-x86_64 \
    -machine accel=kvm:tcg -cpu host -m 2048 \
    -drive file=debian-9.img,format=raw,if=virtio \
    -serial stdio


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New in libguestfs: Rewriting bits of the daemon in OCaml

libguestfs is a C library for creating and editing disk images. In the most common (but not the only) configuration, it uses KVM to sandbox access to disk images. The C library talks to a separate daemon running inside a KVM appliance, as in this Unicode-art diagram taken from the fine manual:

 │ main program      │
 │                   │
 │                   │           child process / appliance
 │                   │          ┌──────────────────────────┐
 │                   │          │ qemu                     │
 ├───────────────────┤   RPC    │      ┌─────────────────┐ │
 │ libguestfs  ◀╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍▶ guestfsd        │ │
 │                   │          │      ├─────────────────┤ │
 └───────────────────┘          │      │ Linux kernel    │ │
                                │      └────────┬────────┘ │
                                                │ virtio-scsi
                                         │  Device or  │
                                         │  disk image │

The library has to be written in C because it needs to be linked to any main program. The daemon (guestfsd in the diagram) is also written in C. But there’s not so much a specific reason for that, except that’s what we did historically.

The daemon is essentially a big pile of functions, most corresponding to a libguestfs API. Writing the daemon in C is painful to say the least. Because it’s a long-running process running in a memory-constrained environment, we have to be very careful about memory management, religiously checking every return from malloc, strdup etc., making even the simplest task non-trivial and full of untested code paths.

So last week I modified libguestfs so you can now write APIs in OCaml if you want to. OCaml is a high level language that compiles down to object files, and it’s entirely possible to link the daemon from a mix of C object files and OCaml object files. Another advantage of OCaml is that you can call from C ↔ OCaml with relatively little glue code (although a disadvantage is that you still need to write that glue mostly by hand). Most simple calls turn into direct CALL instructions with just a simple bitshift required to convert between ints and bools on the C and OCaml sides. More complex calls passing strings and structures are not too difficult either.

OCaml also turns memory errors into a single exception, which unwinds the stack cleanly, so we don’t litter the code with memory handling. We can still run the mixed C/OCaml binary under valgrind.

Code gets quite a bit shorter. For example the case_sensitive_path API — all string handling and directory lookups — goes from 183 lines of C code to 56 lines of OCaml code (and much easier to understand too).

I’m reimplementing a few APIs in OCaml, but the plan is definitely not to convert them all. I think we’ll have C and OCaml APIs in the daemon for a very long time to come.

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Tip: Run virt-inspector on a compressed disk (with nbdkit)

virt-inspector is a very convenient tool to examine a disk image and find out if it contains an operating system, what applications are installed and so on.

If you have an xz-compressed disk image, you can run virt-inspector on it without uncompressing it, using the magic of captive nbdkit. Here’s how:

nbdkit xz file=win7.img.xz \
    -U - \
    --run 'virt-inspector --format=raw -a nbd://?socket=$unixsocket'

What’s happening here is we run nbdkit with the xz plugin, and tell it to serve NBD over a randomly named Unix domain socket (-U -).

We then run virt-inspector as a sub-process. This is called “captive nbdkit”. (Nbdkit is “captive” here, because it will exit as soon as virt-inspector exits, so there’s no need to clean anything up.)

The $unixsocket variable expands to the name of the randomly generated Unix domain socket, forming a libguestfs NBD URL which allows virt-inspector to examine the raw uncompressed data exported by nbdkit.

The nbdkit xz plugin only uncompresses those blocks of the data which are actually accessed, so this is quite efficient.


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Libguestfs appliance boot in under 600ms

$ ./run ./utils/boot-benchmark/boot-benchmark
Warming up the libguestfs cache ...
Running the tests ...

test version: libguestfs 1.33.28
 test passes: 10
host version: Linux moo.home.annexia.org 4.4.4-301.fc23.x86_64 #1 SMP Fri Mar 4 17:42:42 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
    host CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5600U CPU @ 2.60GHz
     backend: direct               [to change set $LIBGUESTFS_BACKEND]
        qemu: /home/rjones/d/qemu/x86_64-softmmu/qemu-system-x86_64 [to change set $LIBGUESTFS_HV]
qemu version: QEMU emulator version 2.5.94, Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Fabrice Bellard
         smp: 1                    [to change use --smp option]
     memsize: 500                  [to change use --memsize option]
      append:                      [to change use --append option]

Result: 575.9ms ±5.3ms

There are various tricks here:

  1. I’m using the (still!) not upstream qemu DMA patches.
  2. I’ve compiled my own very minimal guest Linux kernel.
  3. I’m using my nearly upstream "crypto: Add a flag allowing the self-tests to be disabled at runtime." patch.
  4. I’ve got two sets of non-upstream libguestfs patches 1, 2
  5. I am not using libvirt, but if you do want to use libvirt, make sure you use the very latest version since it contains an important performance patch.



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libguestfs appliance boot in under 1s

$ time LIBGUESTFS_BACKEND=direct LIBGUESTFS_HV=~/d/qemu/x86_64-softmmu/qemu-system-x86_64 guestfish -a /dev/null run

real	0m0.966s
user	0m0.623s
sys	0m0.281s

However I had to patch qemu to enable DMA loading of the kernel and initrd.

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Getting the libguestfs appliance boot time down to 1.2s

libguestfs can securely mount any disk image, but to do this it requires a small appliance to be run. The appliance is a very cut down Linux distro, but it still takes time to boot. For a while that time has floated around 3-5 seconds. This excludes libguestfs from some important use cases — one being the ability to monitor 1000s of VMs every few minutes (simple maths: 1000×3 > 5×60, so you cannot monitor 1000 VMs every 5 minutes without using a lot of parallel appliances).

Last year Intel announced Clear Containers. You may be forgiven for being confused (unclear?) by what Clear Containers actually is, but Intel’s demo is quite neat. (You can run these commands as non-root, and at time of writing they won’t damage your machine.)

$ wget https://download.clearlinux.org/demos/containers/clear-containers-demo.tar.xz
$ mv clear-containers-demo.tar.xz clear-containers-demo.tar.bz2
$ bunzip clear-containers-demo.tar.bz2
$ cd containers
$ bash ./boot.sh

It’s a complete Linux guest that boots in a fraction of a second. I take that as a challenge!

The first step is to have a good idea what all the parts are doing and what is taking the time. Booting an appliance involves several actors — qemu, BIOS, the guest kernel — and without being able to measure how much time each one spends doing things, it’s rather hard to say what needs work or if we’re making improvements. This was why I spent last week unsuccessfully looking at QEMU tracing. I have now settled on a simpler approach which is to time boot messages. The new boot analysis program produces quite clear output:

Warming up the libguestfs cache ...                                                                              
Running the tests in 5 passes ...                                                                                
    pass 1: 798 events collected in 1347184178 ns                                                                
    pass 2: 798 events collected in 1324153548 ns                                                                
    pass 3: 798 events collected in 1342126721 ns                                                                
    pass 4: 798 events collected in 1279500931 ns                                                                
    pass 5: 798 events collected in 1317457653 ns                                                                
Analyzing the results ...                                                                                        
0.000000s: ▲ run mean:1.321973s ±24.0ms (100.0%)                                                              
0.000065s: │ ▲ supermin:build mean:0.010523s ±0.1ms (0.8%)                                                  
           │ │                                                                                               
0.010588s: │ ▼                                                                                               
0.010612s: │ ▲ qemu:feature-detect mean:0.149075s ±4.2ms (11.3%)                                            
           │ │                                                                                               
0.159687s: │ ▼                                                                                               
0.161412s: │ ▲ ▲ qemu mean:1.160562s ±22.6ms (87.8%) qemu:overhead mean:0.123142s ±4.5ms (9.3%)          
           │ │ │                                                                                           
0.263153s: │ │ │ ▲ seabios mean:0.241488s ±2.8ms (18.3%)                                                
           │ │ │ │                                                                                       
0.284554s: │ │ ▼ │                                                                                       
0.284554s: │ │   │ ▲ bios:overhead mean:0.220087s ±2.8ms (16.6%)                                        
           │ │   │ │                                                                                     
0.504641s: │ │   ▼ ▼                                                                                     
0.504641s: │ │ ▲ ▲ kernel mean:0.817332s ±21.4ms (61.8%) kernel:overhead mean:0.374896s ±5.2ms (28.4%) 
           │ │ │ │                                                                                       
0.879537s: │ │ │ ▼                                                                                       
0.879537s: │ │ │ ▲ supermin:mini-initrd mean:0.086014s ±7.9ms (6.5%)                                    
           │ │ │ │                                                                                       
0.881863s: │ │ │ │ ▲ supermin: internal insmod crc32-pclmul.ko mean:0.001399s ±0.1ms (0.1%)           
           │ │ │ │ │                                                                                   
0.883262s: │ │ │ │ ▼                                                                                   
0.883262s: │ │ │ │ ▲ supermin: internal insmod crc32c-intel.ko mean:0.000226s ±0.5ms (0.0%)           
0.883488s: │ │ │ │ ▼                                                                                   
0.883488s: │ │ │ │ ▲ supermin: internal insmod crct10dif-pclmul.ko mean:0.000882s ±0.4ms (0.1%)       
0.884370s: │ │ │ │ ▼                                                                                   
0.884370s: │ │ │ │ ▲ supermin: internal insmod crc32.ko mean:0.001121s ±0.0ms (0.1%)                  
           │ │ │ │ │                                                                                   
0.885490s: │ │ │ │ ▼                                                                                   
0.885490s: │ │ │ │ ▲ supermin: internal insmod virtio.ko mean:0.001634s ±0.5ms (0.1%)                 
           │ │ │ │ │                                                                                   
0.887124s: │ │ │ │ ▼                                                                                   
0.887124s: │ │ │ │ ▲ supermin: internal insmod virtio_ring.ko mean:0.000581s ±0.7ms (0.0%)            
0.887706s: │ │ │ │ ▼                                                                                   
0.887706s: │ │ │ │ ▲ supermin: internal insmod virtio_blk.ko mean:0.001115s ±0.0ms (0.1%)             
           │ │ │ │ │                                                                                   
0.888821s: │ │ │ │ ▼                                                                                   
0.888821s: │ │ │ │ ▲ supermin: internal insmod virtio-rng.ko mean:0.000884s ±0.4ms (0.1%)             
0.889705s: │ │ │ │ ▼                                                                                   
0.889705s: │ │ │ │ ▲ supermin: internal insmod virtio_console.ko mean:0.001923s ±0.4ms (0.1%)         
           │ │ │ │ │                                                                                   
0.891627s: │ │ │ │ ▼                                                                                   
0.891627s: │ │ │ │ ▲ supermin: internal insmod virtio_net.ko mean:0.001483s ±0.4ms (0.1%)             
           │ │ │ │ │                                                                                   
0.893111s: │ │ │ │ ▼                                                                                   
0.893111s: │ │ │ │ ▲ supermin: internal insmod virtio_scsi.ko mean:0.000686s ±0.6ms (0.1%)            
0.893797s: │ │ │ │ ▼                                                                                   
0.893797s: │ │ │ │ ▲ supermin: internal insmod virtio_balloon.ko mean:0.000663s ±0.5ms (0.1%)         
0.894460s: │ │ │ │ ▼                                                                                   
0.894460s: │ │ │ │ ▲ supermin: internal insmod virtio_input.ko mean:0.000875s ±0.4ms (0.1%)           
0.895336s: │ │ │ │ ▼                                                                                   
0.895336s: │ │ │ │ ▲ supermin: internal insmod virtio_mmio.ko mean:0.001097s ±0.0ms (0.1%)            
           │ │ │ │ │                                                                                   
0.896433s: │ │ │ │ ▼                                                                                   
0.896433s: │ │ │ │ ▲ supermin: internal insmod virtio_pci.ko mean:0.050700s ±7.8ms (3.8%)             
           │ │ │ │ │                                                                                   
0.947133s: │ │ │ │ ▼                                                                                   
0.947133s: │ │ │ │ ▲ supermin: internal insmod crc-ccitt.ko mean:0.001144s ±0.6ms (0.1%)              
           │ │ │ │ │                                                                                   
0.948277s: │ │ │ │ ▼                                                                                   
0.948277s: │ │ │ │ ▲ supermin: internal insmod crc-itu-t.ko mean:0.000001s ±0.0ms (0.0%)              
0.948278s: │ │ │ │ ▼                                                                                   
0.948278s: │ │ │ │ ▲ supermin: internal insmod crc8.ko mean:0.001368s ±0.3ms (0.1%)                   
           │ │ │ │ │                                                                                   
0.949646s: │ │ │ │ ▼                                                                                   
0.949646s: │ │ │ │ ▲ supermin: internal insmod libcrc32c.ko mean:0.001043s ±0.9ms (0.1%)              
           │ │ │ │ │                                                                                   
0.950689s: │ │ │ │ ▼                                                                                   
           │ │ │ │                                                                                       
0.965551s: │ │ │ ▼                                                                                       
0.965551s: │ │ │ ▲ ▲ /init mean:0.318045s ±18.0ms (24.1%) bash:overhead mean:0.015855s ±3.1ms (1.2%) 
           │ │ │ │ │                                                                                   
0.981407s: │ │ │ │ ▼                                                                                   
           │ │ │ │                                                                                       
1.283597s: │ │ │ ▼                                                                                       
1.283597s: │ │ │ ▲ guestfsd mean:0.019151s ±1.9ms (1.4%)                                                
           │ │ │ │                                                                                       
1.294818s: │ │ │ │ ▲ shutdown mean:0.027156s ±4.1ms (2.1%)                                            
           │ │ │ │ │                                                                                   
1.302747s: │ │ │ ▼ │                                                                                   
           │ │ │   │                                                                                     
1.321973s: │ │ ▼   │                                                                                     
1.321973s: ▼ ▼     ▼                                                                                       

Armed with this analysis I made a good start on reducing the boot time. It’s now down to 1.2s (on my laptop) and there is scope for sub-second boots.

Some of the things I’ve changed to get to 1.2s:

Some of the things that may reduce boot times further:

  • Stop SeaBIOS from probing the entire PCI space looking for a boot device it will never use.
  • Implement DAX so that the appliance can execute files directly from backing disk instead of loading them into RAM.
  • A much more detailed look at the qemu and kernel startup process, taking a knife to anything that unnecessarily sleeps or wastes time.

By the way: Even if you never use libguestfs, but you do use virtualized linux, this benefits you too.


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New in libguestfs: Filesystem forensics support

Thanks to patches supplied by Matteo Cafasso, libguestfs, the library for accessing and modifying disk images is gradually getting support for filesystem forensics.

Initially I have added a Fedora libguestfs-forensics subpackage, which pulls The Sleuth Kit (TSK) into virt-rescue.

Parts of TSK will also be made available as libguestfs APIs so they are callable from other programs.


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