Tag Archives: rhel

SSH from RHEL 9 to RHEL 5 or RHEL 6

RHEL 9 no longer lets you ssh to RHEL ≤ 6 hosts out of the box. You can weaken security of the whole system but there’s no easy way to set security policy per remote host. Here’s how to set up ssh so it works for a RHEL 5 or RHEL 6 host:

First edit your .ssh/config file, adding an entry for the host:

Host rhel5or6-host
KexAlgorithms +diffie-hellman-group14-sha1
MACs +hmac-sha1
HostKeyAlgorithms +ssh-rsa
PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes +ssh-rsa
PubkeyAcceptedAlgorithms +ssh-rsa

(The lines except the first “Host” line should be indented. WordPress screws up the formatting …)

That’s not enough on its own, because RHEL 9 also maims the openssl library by disabling SHA1 support by default. To fix that, create /var/tmp/openssl.cnf with:

.include /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf
alg_section = evp_properties
rh-allow-sha1-signatures = yes

Now you can ssh to RHEL 5 or RHEL 6 hosts like this:

OPENSSL_CONF=/var/tmp/openssl.cnf ssh rhel5or6-host

Thanks Laszlo Ersek for working out most of this. Related bugs:

2064740 – RFE: Make it easier to configure LEGACY policy per service or per host

2062360 – RFE: Virt-v2v should replace hairy “enable LEGACY crypto” advice which a more targeted mechanism


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Tip: Edit grub kernel command line in RHEL 7 or CentOS 7

Easy with virt-customize. In this example I’m adding the nosmt option to the command line:

$ virt-customize -a rhel7.img \
    --edit '/etc/default/grub:
    --run-command 'grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg'

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libguestfs for RHEL 7.5 preview

As usual I’ve placed the proposed RHEL 7.5 libguestfs packages in a public repository so you can try them out.

Thanks to Pino Toscano for doing the packaging work.

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Gigabyte Cavium ARM servers


Gigabyte just announced a bunch of full ARM servers, with between 32 and 96 cores. They are based around the Cavium ThunderX processors that we’ve had at Red Hat for a while so they should run RHEL either out of the box or very soon after release.

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Gigabyte MP30-AR0: IPMI

IPMI works out of the box. I’m using FreeIPMI to test this (not ipmitool) since FreeIPMI is a lot easier to use.

You need to know that:

  1. The default user name is admin and the default password is password.
  2. You have to use the dedicated management interface, marked “f” in the software reference guide (the ethernet port above the two USB sockets).

Here are the sensors:

$ ipmi-sensors -h -u admin -p password
Caching SDR repository information: /home/rjones/.freeipmi/sdr-cache/sdr-cache-moo.
Caching SDR record 34 of 34 (current record ID 205) 
ID  | Name       | Type                   | Reading    | Units | Event
4   | CPU0_TEMP  | Temperature            | 49.00      | C     | 'OK'
9   | DIMM_P0_A0 | Temperature            | N/A        | C     | N/A
10  | DIMM_P0_A1 | Temperature            | N/A        | C     | N/A
12  | DIMM_P0_B0 | Temperature            | N/A        | C     | N/A
13  | DIMM_P0_B1 | Temperature            | N/A        | C     | N/A
15  | DIMM_P0_C0 | Temperature            | N/A        | C     | N/A
16  | DIMM_P0_C1 | Temperature            | N/A        | C     | N/A
18  | DIMM_P0_D0 | Temperature            | N/A        | C     | N/A
19  | DIMM_P0_D1 | Temperature            | N/A        | C     | N/A
59  | P12V       | Voltage                | 11.83      | V     | 'OK'
60  | P5V        | Voltage                | 5.11       | V     | 'OK'
61  | P3V3       | Voltage                | 3.33       | V     | 'OK'
62  | P5V_STBY   | Voltage                | 5.13       | V     | 'OK'
64  | P_VBAT     | Voltage                | 3.07       | V     | 'OK'
65  | P_VCCP     | Voltage                | 0.97       | V     | 'OK'
66  | P_1V2_HUB  | Voltage                | 1.20       | V     | 'OK'
67  | P_VDDQ_AB  | Voltage                | 1.50       | V     | 'OK'
68  | P_VDDQ_CD  | Voltage                | 1.50       | V     | 'OK'
71  | P_0V9_VDD  | Voltage                | 0.96       | V     | 'OK'
72  | P_1V5_VDD  | Voltage                | 1.52       | V     | 'OK'
73  | P_2V5_VDD  | Voltage                | 2.50       | V     | 'OK'
74  | P_1V8_VDD  | Voltage                | 1.82       | V     | 'OK'
136 | CPU0_FAN   | Fan                    | 4000.00    | RPM   | 'OK'
138 | SYS_FAN1   | Fan                    | N/A        | RPM   | N/A
139 | SYS_FAN2   | Fan                    | N/A        | RPM   | N/A
140 | SYS_FAN3   | Fan                    | N/A        | RPM   | N/A
141 | SYS_FAN4   | Fan                    | N/A        | RPM   | N/A
190 | CPU0       | Processor              | N/A        | N/A   | 'Processor Presence detected'
202 | MB_TEMP1   | Temperature            | 37.00      | C     | 'OK'
203 | MB_TEMP2   | Temperature            | 31.00      | C     | 'OK'
204 | MB_TEMP3   | Temperature            | 28.00      | C     | 'OK'
205 | SEL        | Event Logging Disabled | N/A        | N/A   | 'OK'

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Gigabyte MP30-AR0: RHEL running with ACPI

Turns out that acpi=off is only needed by the RHEL 7.2 installer kernel. After installation, ACPI works fine. That might be because the installer kernel is older than the current RHEL 7 kernel. dmesg output after the break.

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Gigabyte MP30-AR0: RHEL is running

dmesg and other stuff after the break.

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Gigabyte MP30-AR0

This is the Gigabyte MP30-AR0 which now forms the top “layer” of my cluster (I had to retire one of the AMD boards in order to scavenge the RAM for this).


The Gigabyte uses the APM X-gene1, which is an 8 core ARM processor. This is rather old now — I’ve had a Mustang at home with the same processor for a couple of years now and the chip design itself is 3+ years old. It uses Cortex A53 cores. Even APM have a newer X-gene 2. Nevertheless it has two very big advantages over the alternatives:

  1. You can actually buy it. I had this one shipped overnight from UK supplier Xcase.
  2. It’s (sort of — see below) server class hardware, unlike the very cheap but ultimately crap development boards based on phone chips.

A particularly annoying thing at the moment is that Gigabyte are claiming this board is SBSA compliant, but then they ship it with u-boot as firmware. However UEFI firmware can be downloaded, see this thread, so it should run RHEL.

Here are the boot messages to the u-boot prompt:

U-Boot 2013.04 (Jun 02 2015 - 10:54:10)         REV: 1.15.01-F05 ( uart0 )

CPU0: APM ARM 64-bit Potenza Rev B0 2400MHz PCP 2400MHz
     SOC 2000MHz IOBAXI 400MHz AXI 250MHz AHB 200MHz GFC 125MHz
Boot from SPI-NOR
Slimpro FW:
        Ver: 2.4 (build 2015/05/22)
        TPC: disabled
        AVS: supported (margin: -0mV)
        RST: supported
        PWROFF: supported
        PMD: 970 mV
        SOC: 950 mV
Board: GIGABYTE MP30AR0 - AppliedMicro APM883408-xNA24SPT Customer Board
I2C:   ready

DRAM: 32 GiB @ 1600MHz...
SF: Detected MX25L25635F with page size 64 KiB, total 32 MiB

MMC:   X-Gene SD/SDIO/eMMC: 0
PCIE0: (RC) link down
PCIE2: (RC) X1 GEN-1 link up
PCIE3: (RC) link down
  00:00.0     - 10e8:e004 - Bridge device
   01:00.0    - 1a03:1150 - Bridge device
    02:00.0   - 1a03:2000 - Display controller
Video: ASPEED VGA Card (1a03, 2000) found @(2:0:0)
Mode: 1024x768x32 48kHz 60Hz
In:    serial
Out:   vga
Err:   serial
CPUs:  11111111
Net:   eth0
USB0:   scanning bus 0 for devices... XHCI: WARN: Didn't find a matching TT
3 USB Device(s) found
USB1:   scanning bus 1 for devices... 2 USB Device(s) found
       scanning usb for storage devices... 0 Storage Device(s) found
XHCI: ep 0x1 - rounding interval to 128 microframes
XHCI-ERR: xhci_submit_async_int !
Register 1 keyboards
Hit any key to stop autoboot:  0 


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Tip: Updating RHEL 7.1 cloud images using virt-customize and subscription-manager

Red Hat provide RHEL KVM guest and cloud images. At time of writing, the last one was built in Feb 2015, and so undoubtedly contains packages which are out of date or insecure.

You can use virt-customize to update the packages in the cloud image. This requires the libguestfs subscription-manager feature which will only be available in RHEL 7.3, but see here for RHEL 7.3 preview packages. Alternatively you can use Fedora ≥ 22.

$ virt-customize \
  -a rhel-guest-image-7.1-20150224.0.x86_64.qcow2 \
  --sm-credentials 'USERNAME:password:PASSWORD' \
  --sm-register --sm-attach auto \
[   0.0] Examining the guest ...
[  17.2] Setting a random seed
[  17.2] Registering with subscription-manager
[  28.8] Attaching to compatible subscriptions
[  61.3] Updating core packages
[ 976.8] Finishing off
  1. You should probably use --sm-credentials USERNAME:file:FILENAME to specify your password using a file, rather than having it exposed on the command line.
  2. The command above will leave the image template registered to RHN. To unregister it, add --sm-unregister at the end.


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How to rebuild libguestfs from source on RHEL or CentOS 7

Three people have asked me about this, so here goes. You will need a RHEL or CentOS 7.1 machine (perhaps a VM), and you may need to grab extra packages from this preview repository. The preview repo will go away when we release 7.2, but then again 7.2 should contain all the packages you need.

You’ll need to install rpm-build. You could also install mock (from EPEL), but in fact you don’t need mock to build libguestfs and it may be easier and faster without.

Please don’t build libguestfs as root. It’s not necessary to build (any) packages as root, and can even be dangerous.

Grab the source RPM. The latest at time of writing is libguestfs-1.28.1-1.55.el7.src.rpm. When 7.2 comes out, you’ll be able to get the source RPM using this command:

yumdownloader --source libguestfs

I find it helpful to build RPMs in my home directory, and also to disable the libguestfs tests. To do that, I have a ~/.rpmmacros file that contains:

%_topdir	%(echo $HOME)/rpmbuild
%_smp_mflags	-j5
%libguestfs_runtests   0

You may wish to adjust %_smp_mflags. A good value to choose is 1 + the number of cores on your machine.

I’ll assume at this point that the reason you want to rebuild libguestfs is to apply a patch (otherwise why aren’t you using the binaries we supply?), so first let’s unpack the source tree. Note I am running this command as non-root:

rpm -i libguestfs-1.28.1-1.55.el7.src.rpm

If you set up ~/.rpmmacros as above then the sources should be unpacked under ~/rpmbuild/SPECS and ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES.

Take a look at least at the libguestfs.spec file. You may wish to modify it now to add any patches you need (add the patch files to the SOURCES/ subdirectory). You might also want to modify the Release: tag so that your package doesn’t conflict with the official package.

You might also need to install build dependencies. This command should be run as root since it needs to install packages, and also note that you may need packages from the repo linked above.

yum-builddep libguestfs.spec

Now you can rebuild libguestfs (non-root!):

rpmbuild -ba libguestfs.spec

With the tests disabled, on decent hardware, that should take about 10 minutes.

The final binary packages will end up in ~/rpmbuild/RPMS/ and can be installed as normal:

yum localupdate x86_64/*.rpm noarch/*.rpm

You might see errors during the build phase. If they aren’t fatal, you can ignore them, but if the build fails then post the complete log to our mailing list (you don’t need to subscribe) so we can help you out.


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