Terabyte virtual disks

This is fun. I added a new command to guestfish which lets you create sparse disk files. This makes it really easy to test out the limits of partitions and Linux filesystems.

Starting modestly, I tried a 1 terabyte disk:

$ guestfish

Welcome to guestfish, the libguestfs filesystem interactive shell for
editing virtual machine filesystems.

Type: 'help' for help with commands
      'quit' to quit the shell

><fs> sparse /tmp/test.img 1T
><fs> run

The real disk image so far isn’t so big, just 4K according to “du”:

$ ll -h /tmp/test.img 
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rjones rjones 1T 2009-11-04 17:52 /tmp/test.img
$ du -h /tmp/test.img
4.0K	/tmp/test.img

Let’s partition it:

><fs> sfdiskM /dev/vda ,

The partition table only uses 1 sector, so the disk image has increased to just 8K. Let’s make an ext2 filesystem on the first partition:

><fs> mkfs ext2 /dev/vda1

This command takes some time, and the sparse disk file has grown. To 17 GB, so ext2 has an approx 1.7% overhead.

We can mount the filesystem and look at it:

><fs> mount /dev/vda1 /
><fs> df-h 
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/vda1            1008G   72M  957G   1% /sysroot

Can we try this with larger and larger virtual disks? In theory yes, in practice the 1.7% overhead proves to be a problem. A 10T experiment would require a very real 170GB of local disk space, and where I was hoping to go, 100T and beyond, would be too large for my test machines.

In fact there is another limitation before we reach there. Local sparse files on my host ext4 filesystem are themselves limited to under 16T:

><fs> sparse /tmp/test.img 16T
write: File too large
><fs> sparse /tmp/test.img 15T

Although the appliance does boot with that 15T virtual disk:

><fs> blockdev-getsize64 /dev/vda 


I noticed from Wikipedia that XFS has a maximum file size of 8 exabytes – 1 byte. By creating a temporary XFS filesystem on the host, I was able to create a 256TB virtual disk:

><fs> sparse /mnt/tmp/test/test.img 256T
><fs> run
><fs> blockdev-getsize64 /dev/vda 

Unfortunately at this point things break down. MBR partitions won’t work on such a huge disk, or at least sfdisk can’t partition it correctly.

I’m not sure what my options are at this point, but at least this is an interesting experiment in hitting limitations.


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4 responses to “Terabyte virtual disks

  1. You can partition it using GPT.

    parted /dev/vda mklabel gpt
    parted /dev/vda mkpart p …..

  2. rich

    Yeah, we really really need to implement parted support in libguestfs. This issue makes it more pressing. sfdisk just doesn’t cut it.

  3. Terje

    That’s correct > 2TB file systems is normal these days.
    parted is the way to go.

  4. Pingback: Filesystem metadata overhead « Richard WM Jones

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